Lucas You Can Practice Again or Test

Welcome to IGN's Guide to Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. This guide will attempt to see you through the evil that dwells in the Baker home, and point out all the Items, Weapons, and Collectibles along the way. The second part of the guide contains information on The Testing Area (and a quick return to the Main house) - the fourth place you explore in RE7 after the Old House.

Head back to the Main House


Video Guide: Testing Area (Part 9)

Head back through the Main Hall and take a stop at the other Safe Room before moving down into the basement. The place is notably darker - but no new enemies wait in the halls (though Grandma may be making herself at home down here, she's still harmless). Head into the Dissection Room to see the deputy has been moved off the wall and onto a gurney - you'll still need to head through the Morgue to get to him. Before you can however, the wall at the end of the hall will explode as a new type of crawling 4-Legged Molded will lunge at you. It moves fast and scurries about on the floor and even walls making it harder to hit, but again - aim for the head or any part with the Shotgun if you have the ammo, and it should fall quicker than other Molded as long as you land your shots.

Inside the Morgue, things are even more moldy than usual, but thankfully no more Molded are here...yet. Inside the Dissection Room, the headless deputy lies on his gurney, and a sign taunts you to stick your hand down his neck to retrieve an item - theSnake Key. This will let you get out of the Morgue quicker, and opens up new areas in the Main House, as Lucas taunts you to find two keycards needed to "get to the party".

Get the Serum Ingredient from Lucas

As you leave, two legless Molded will crawl up the stairs on the left, while another will come out of the wall on the right. You can either fight or try to run past them depending on your ammo count, and make for the Snake Door to get back up. As you make for the stairs to the Safe Room, beware of one last 4-Legged Molded who will be roaming the halls for you.

Get the Keycards

With the Snake Key in hand, the first stop is the Master Bedroom above the Main Hall. Unfortunately, Lucas has released the hounds - so to speak - as Molded are now roaming the Main Hall too. Aim carefully to conserve ammo as they come to greet you, and enter the Master Bedroom. Inside, ignore the familiar face and check the cabinet on the left for Handgun Ammo, a Herb in the drawer on the right and Shotgun Shells below the chair - the orange tin on the vanity also contains a Lockpick. Next to the bed, check the Clock Memo (File #21) is next to a small clock "the same time as all other clocks". He wants you to turn the clock until it matches the time as the grandfather clocks in the house (like the one back in the Main Hall) which read: 10:15. Align the little clock, and the bed will move aside to show a new area down a hidden stairs.

Before going down, be sure to check the Storage Closet for an even bigger Backpack that lets you carry more items, and a Treasure Photo on a stool that points to… a head? There's also a Herb on the green shelves (and a the schematic for the Grenade Launcher with its location on the back if you missed it), and Neuro Rounds for that launcher hiding behind a painting leaning against some boxes.

Taking the stairs down you'll find yourself in the locked Workshop, full of dead animals, blood, and sawblades. The large locker on the right holds Enhanced Handgun Ammo, and the Red Keycard lies on the main table. Heading out the Workshop, don't go right - as several Molded will spawn and block your path. Instead go straight and then right to the stairs, and dodge the Molded as they appear in the slightly larger hall before running up the stairs to leave them behind.

Now for the other Keycard. Head up to the second floor, and go through the door opposite the Master Bedroom to make for the Kid's Room. The halls here have seen better days, so be on guard as you get to the room. Inside all is quiet - look under the dresser on the left for Shotgun Shells, and in the yellow desk by the bed. There's an awful lot of trophies lying around, and you can check the desk for Lucas' Journal (File #19) that states he hid the remote for the attic in one of his trophies. Checking the opposite vanity by the attic ladder for a Torn Page from Journal (File #20) states that Lucas changed the remote again so it will be shiny even at night - sounds like a lamp! Check around the other side for a lamp doubling as a trophy, and inspect inside to find the button. Before heading up, turn left and grab the Lockpick hiding in an urn on a shelf, and the Supplements by the window, and grab the Herb by the piano.

As you ascend the ladder, note that Mr. Everywhere Bobblehead #12 is hiding on a ledge next to the ladder that you can target with a pistol. Entering the Attic, check the cabinet in front of you to find a VHS Tape: Happy Birthday. Around the right corner is a note about installing shadow doors, and a shelf with a Toy Axe and Model Shotgun (Which you can replace with the Broken Shotgun downstairs in the Main Hall for when you get the other Repair Kit!). Heading to the shadow puzzle at the far end, grab the Strong Chem Fluid before manipulating the statuette to look like an executioner - and the nearby dollhouse will open to reveal the Blue Key Card.

Return to the Main Hall, where the phone will ring as Lucas taunts you to come to the party by using both Key Cards on the door next to the Trailer in the Yard. When you are ready, head outside (Beware, there are two 4-legged Molded is lurking around the Trailer - but you can snipe them from afar if you are cautious).

Be sure to stop at the Trailer to save and prepare for what's to come. You can also view the "Birthday" VHS Tape if you haven't already:

Happy Birthday Tape


Once again taking the role of Clancy the cameraman, Lucas will drag you into his "testing area" to see if you're smart enough to solve a puzzle. When he leaves, turn around and grab the Candle from the animatronic clown. Go left into the kitchen area and then right through a doorway towards a birthday cake - which is promptly doused by water as you step through. Lucas will taunt you and ask if you can figure out a way to place a lit candle on the cake. Note the barrel and the locked cabinet in the room, and grab the Winding Key from the barrel and go back into the kitchen.

Use the stove to light the Candle, but don't go back through. Instead, walk past the monitors of a creepy birthday scene to the rope-locked door, and light it with your Candle. Enter the next room and push past the balloons. The door here is password coded, so instead search the floor for an unfilled yellow Balloon. Take it, and head back to the Kitchen. Look for the drawing on the wall with a gas line in the wall and fill the balloon - surprise it's full of sharp things! You'll obtain a Quill Pen, so head back to the animatronic clown to find he's missing a finger to hold it.

Check behind the clown to find a toilet and flush it so you can reach in to find a Dirty Telescope. We need to clean it off, so stand in front of the cake doorway and use the telescope - and walk forward to clean it off in the water dispersal, turning it into a regular Telescope that seems to have a polarizing filter. Now go back to the kitchen and look at the TV screens using the telescope and you'll find three images highlighted - A hanged person, a tombstone, and a baby. Return to the cake room and enter the password to open the cabinet to find a Straw Doll. Take the Straw Doll to the stove and light it up to reveal a Dummy Finger that can be inserted into the animatronic clown. Now give the clown the Quill Pen and Winding Key and he'll helpfully carve the password on you.

Return to the balloon room and enter the newfound password to unlock the door and grab the Valve Handle. Enter the cake room and look for a slot for the valve by the doorway to shut off the water, and finally light the candle one last time and place it on the cake. Congratulations - enjoy the fireworks!

Enter the Testing Area

Video Guide: Testing Area (Part 10)

Before entering the Testing Area, remember that Toy Axe you found in the attic? There's one remaining puzzle we haven't solved - a shadow puzzle hiding in the corner of the yard through some bushes. The numbers 1, 3, 5, _ , and 9 are on the wall, and as it happens, the axe can make a passable number 7! The nearby chest will unlock, netting you a free Stabilizer.

When you are ready and have all the items you need, place the key cards in the slots and join Lucas' party.

Inside is an empty room with a television and really loud music. Sit yourself down and listen to Lucas' message about getting the Serum, as he taunts you again about finding him and the last ingredient. After the explosive finish, a door will open leading you further inside.

Head down the hallways and grab the Herb before entering the next room. STOP! Do you see the tripwire placed across the path? It will explode if you trigger it. Break the crate on the left for Handgun Ammo and then make sure to duck and go under instead. Another tripwire is on the other side of the room, duck under this one too and then grab more Handgun Ammo on the shelves before leaving. There's another tripwire immediately to the right of the doorway here, and the two on the other side are particularly devious. One is on the ceiling behind the lights, while the other is below the desk and goes too low to duck under (why can't Ethan crawl?). Shoot the one under the table from back by the doorway, and sidestep the vertical one.

Before moving on, look at the far corner - doesn't that mannequin head with the baseball cap on top of the cage look familiar? It's the spot from the last Treasure Photo! Move aside the head to obtain the last Repair Kit, which can repair the Broken Shotgun into the M21 Shotgun (or the M19 Handgun if you held off on that).

Before leaving the room, look under the cage to the left of the door to find a well hidden 44 Magnum Ammo. In the next hall, a crate lies in the middle - incredibly conspicuous. Actually it's safe to break, and contains ammo. It's the crate on the stairs down the hall that shouldn't be tampered with, as it's rigged to explode. At the end of the hall, stop in the doorway: there are two tripwires crossing the door. Head to the end of the hall and turn around to spot one that you can snipe with a pistol shot. Now you can slide under the second tripwire and into the room with the Storage. Say, this place looks a lot like the Party Room poor Clancy was put through.

As you go up to the terminal, Lucas will appear and start messing with you, giving you several passwords to try. Spoiler alert: none of them work. As he backs away, so should you, as a large pile of spikes are about to swipe in front of the door and kill you if you don't move. After the trap passes. Wait a moment, and look to the right as a hidden door slowly opens.

Find the Passcode to the Party Room

Head down the steps and enter the door on the right to find a room full of crates - the one on the left has Chem Fluid, the other is rigged to explode. There's also Shotgun Shells in a wheelbarrow, and more in a crate out back in the hall. Beware, as you move down the hall, a 4-legged Molded will slink through the windows behind you and try to get you unaware: quickly turn and end him with a well-placed shotgun blast. After it's dead, watch out for another tripwire before the entrance to the barn area.


There's a small storage area at the end of the hall, but with a tripwire left of the door, behind the shelves, to the right of the door, and on the far ceiling, going in is suicide. Instead, open the door but go to the doorway leading to the stables and turn to see back into the other room where the right explosive is visible, and destroy it. Now carefully crouch and navigate along the left to the table and stand up to inspect the table for Antique Coin #13. Slowly inch over to the locker so you are directly in front of it, then open it to grab the Steroids on the bottom shelf, and leave the crate alone (it's rigged).

Entering the Barn, be prepared for the Molded. One waits for you just around the right corner, while two others (one crawling) will appear at the far end. If you want, you can lure them back into the hall to trigger the tripwire, and finish them off after the explosion. Grab the Herb where the first Molded was hiding and then move to where the others came from. Note the Shotgun Shells hiding behind the first set of hay bales, and Gunpowder on the shelves next to the second pile (and you can even find 44 MAG Ammo behind the second set of hay).

From the hay bales, look up towards the center of the room where a giant fence has been erected on the other side of a trough. Look along the fence posts and you'll find Mr. Everywhere Bobblehead #13 Get up to the second floor and enter the nearby room to find a Safe Room - complete with Tape Recorder, VHS Player, Solid Fuel, and Shotgun Shells.

Leaving the Safe Room behind, check the rest of the second floor of the Barn. Over to the left on the other side of the Safe Room is a crate with Chem Fluid, while the far side has Strong Chem Fluid. When you're ready, jump down to the floor below to see what Lucas has in store. The bottom floor has a console and two crates (Ammo), while the upper floor has a Battery, and a Herb (the crate up by the balcony is rigged, the one near the battery has ammo). Put the Battery in the console and get ready.

Lucas will trigger the elevator to summon a massive Fat Molded. This big guy moves real slow, but can take a lot more punishment. He also likes to spew lots of sludge in a very long stream, requiring you to use cover when able. If you can, stall him in the elevator with a few shotgun blasts to the head, then duck around the elevator while he spews his filth. Then run back and unload some more rounds - if you've repaired the M21 Shotgun, it'll do really well here, only requiring a 4 or so shots to the face to take it down quick.

Once the thing is good and dead, head into the elevator and take it up to enter a new hallway. The room beyond has a nice crispy body in a chair (RIP Clancy), as well as Supplements on the small table, and Chem Fluid on the shelves. Check the Memo on Burnt Corpse (File #22) for the passcode, and leave to lower stairs back to the Party Room Door. Note that on the shelves next to the stairs button is Antique Coin #14.

Survive the Party Room

Before you can enter, Lucas will demand you dump all of your gear in the Storage box before he'll open the door for you. Do as you are bidden and enter, and Lucas locks you in and runs off.

Hopefully you reviewed the "Happy Birthday" tape. Lucas has reset the entire room for you to try and not die. Remember how Clancy died? It involved opening the tap from the barrel that ended up spilling gasoline everywhere and lighting the place on fire in the end. Only we don't need to do that, because we don't need to get the Winding Key to put in the clown to carve a password - because we already know that password.

After Lucas gives his talk, light the Candle at the stove, and burn the locked door into the balloon room. Ignore the balloons and go straight to the password door and insert "Loser". Grab the Valve Handle and return to the cake room just like the VHS tape, and disable the water so you can light the cake - this time with a lot less fire.

Lucas will NOT be happy with this outcome, and drop a ticking time bomb from up above. The room is still sealed, which means you need to think fast. Grab it, and run to the wall left of the barrel to find a gap in the boards. Peel away the boards and drop it so it will explode opening a path for you. Lucas is now very unhappy. Move through the new corridor into Lucas' control room. This doubles as a Safe Room, which includes a Tape Recorder, Testing Area Map, and a Storage box that will let you get your items back. Lucas also left the D-Series Head behind, along with a monitor feed you should also check out.

Resident Evil 7 Madhouse Difficulty walkthrough part 6 - Back to the Main House - All Collectibles Included/ No Damage

Resident Evil 7 Madhouse Difficulty walkthrough part 7 - Testing Area - All Collectibles Included/ No Damage


Up Next: Boathouse

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